O choker é o acessório must-have da estação. Inúmeras pessoas já aderiram à tendência, tornando-se no acessório ideal para dar um twist ao look.
A Joana Vaz, do blog Cookies and Trends, já é fã e lançou, em parceria com a marca Pura Filigrana, uma linha de chokers (vejam a colecção aqui).
O que acham desta tendência: hot or not?
Choker is the season's must-have accessory. Many people wear them, making it the ideal accessory to give a special twist to your look.
Joana Vaz, from Cookies and Trends, is already a fan and have launched, in partnership with Pura Filigrana, a choker's collection (see it here).
What do you guys think of this trend: hot or not?
Choker is the season's must-have accessory. Many people wear them, making it the ideal accessory to give a special twist to your look.
Joana Vaz, from Cookies and Trends, is already a fan and have launched, in partnership with Pura Filigrana, a choker's collection (see it here).
What do you guys think of this trend: hot or not?
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